Welcome to Brendan Morrissey's ITEC 2130 Website!

ITEC Courses Taken

  1. Programming Fundamentals
  2. Intro to Info Systems
  3. Digital Media
  4. Intermediate Programming

ITEC Skills

Interesting ITEC Projects

Tech News Java API
Developed a Java API that aggregates tech news from various sources, providing a centralized platform for tech enthusiasts to stay updated.
Ani-Time Anime Search Site
Created a website that allows users to search for anime titles, view details and watch trailers, utilizing React and an external anime database API.
Movie and Television Ratings App
Designed an app to provide movie and television ratings, reviews, and streaming platform availability to help users find the best entertainment options.
Employee Tracker
Implemented a tracking system to manage employee information, schedules, and task assignments, improving operational efficiency in a simulated corporate environment.

Online Presence

GitHub: https://github.com/Bmorrissey34

Portfolio: https://bmorrissey34.github.io/React-Portfolio/